69 Weird Laws in Wyoming That’ll Make You Go Nuts!

weird laws in wyoming

Wyoming: The Cowboy State. Land of vast plains, Yellowstone’s wonders, and… some seriously strange laws? Yep, you read that right. Wyoming has a rulebook with some of the goofiest, head-scratching laws that’ll make you wonder what they were thinking back in the day. So, saddle up, partner, and let’s mosey on through 69 weird laws in Wyoming!

Now don’t forget to let us know your favorite Wyoming’s weirdest law!

1. Fish fear firepower?

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Apparently, Wyoming fish are terrified of anything remotely resembling a firearm. You can’t shoot ’em, not even with a BB gun! Gotta stick to the rod and reel, folks.

2. Mine your manners! 

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Forget happy hour down the mine shaft. Being intoxicated while underground can land you in jail for a year. Safety first, folks!

3. Close that darn gate!

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Left a gate open? Wyoming ain’t happy. You could be fined a hefty $750 for leaving a gate open by a road, river, or even a ditch. Seems serious!

4. No boozin’ while rubber shoppin’

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Selling scrap rubber to a junk dealer? Best be sober! It’s illegal for them to do business with anyone who’s had one too many.

5. Public theater hat etiquette ‍

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Those ten-gallon hats might be iconic, but not in a crowded theater. Blocking someone’s view with your headwear is a big no-no.

6. Art for all (well, most of it)

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Public buildings over $100,000 gotta spend 1% on artwork! Talk about adding some beauty to your bureaucracy. unconditionally!

7. Ladies, scoot back from the bar a bit! ‍

Weird Laws in Wyoming

This one’s a head-scratcher. Apparently, in the past, women couldn’t stand within five feet of a bar while drinking. Thankfully, this is rarely enforced these days.

8. Don’t get frisky with Fido (with ink)

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Thinking of getting your pup a tattoo? Think again! Tattooing animals is a big no-no in Wyoming.

9. Photography Permit for Critters?

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Believe it or not, there used to be a time you needed a permit to take pictures of wildlife during certain months. Crazy, right?

10. Don’t be a spitting image (literally)

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Cheyenne takes spitting very seriously. Doing it on school steps is a surefire way to get a ticket.

11. Ditch the Martini in the Sawmill 

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Forget happy hour at the lumberyard. Having an alcoholic beverage in a sawmill is a big nope in Wyoming. Guess sawdust and suds just don’t mix.

12. Hold Your Horses on the Horse Photography

Weird Laws in Wyoming

While wildlife photography needed a permit once, there’s a specific animal you can never snap pictures of: a tattooed horse. Yep, that’s illegal in Wyoming.

13. Skydiving with a Buzz? Not Today, Maverick 

Weird Laws in Wyoming

Seems like a no-brainer, but it’s actually a law: skydiving under the influence is a big no-no. Common sense prevails in Wyoming, at least sky-high!

14. Public Libraries Deserve Respect (and Dry Walls)

Cheyenne gets pretty specific with its laws. Spitting on the walls of a public library is a big time offense. Are you friends with a wall? Better not spit at it when talking!

15. Wednesdays are for…? Not Showers Apparently

Weird Laws in Wyoming

According to Cheyenne lore (though not exactly enforced anymore!), taking a shower on Wednesdays was once illegal. If asked when you’ll shower on a Wednesday? Simply respond, When? Nesday! That oughta do it!

16. Fishing with Explosives? How Un-Sporting

Weird Laws in Wyoming

While we already covered firearms, this one takes the cake. Using explosives to catch fish is strictly prohibited. There are no shortcuts to a trophy trout, folks; besides, you’d be disturbing the fish, so keep it hush and fish along!

17. Don’t Fence Out Freedom (Unless It’s Blocking a River)

Fences are a big part of ranch life, but Wyoming has a specific rule. You can’t block a road, river, stream, or ditch with a closed gate. Keep those fences strategic, partners!

18. Municipal Meetings and Mooing Don’t Mix ️

Disrupting a public meeting with…mooing? Apparently, that’s a specific offense in Wyoming. Guess some cows just have a lot to say about local politics!

19. Gambling with Groceries Might Not Pay Off

This one’s a bit strange. It’s illegal to gamble with groceries in Wyoming. So, hold off on that poker game for the milk money, folks.

20. Keep Your Cash Cow…Moo-ving

Blocking traffic with your livestock is a big no-no in Wyoming. Don’t let your herd take a leisurely stroll down the highway!

21. Jilted in July? No Public Sob Stories

Freshly heartbroken? Cheyenne might not be the place to vent publicly. Crying aloud in the streets after a July breakup is considered disorderly conduct. You best wait until December to cry that cry, babe.

22. Safety First, Lasso Last

There’s a rodeo for everything, right? Well, not quite. Tying someone up with a lasso, even in jest, is against the law in Wyoming. I wonder if this goofy law is still around today. Aaannnnnddddd, Will i be breaking to law if it happened in the bedroom?

23. Bear Arms, Not Bar Fights

Wyoming loves its guns, but violence is a no-go. Carrying a concealed weapon while intoxicated is a surefire way to get in trouble.

24. Sunday Saloon Salutations? Not Quite

While Wyoming isn’t as strict as some places on Sundays, selling alcohol before noon is a big no-no. Sleep in those cowboy boots a bit longer!

25. Keep Those Canines Calm (and Leashed)

Wyoming takes dog etiquette seriously. Letting your pooch run loose in town can land you a fine. Responsible pet ownership, folks!

26. Think Twice About That Taxidermied Trout

While fishing is a way of life, Wyoming is particular about its trophies. It’s illegal to possess a mounted fish that wasn’t caught legally.

27. No Coyote Calls in Certain Company

Planning a hunting trip? Be mindful of your calls. It’s illegal to use electronic calls to lure coyotes within 100 yards of occupied buildings.

28. Saddle Up Safely (and Soberly)

DUIs apply to horseback riding too! Riding a horse under the influence is a crime in Wyoming.

29. Hitchhiking Hospitality (with Limits)

Need a lift? Hitchhiking isn’t illegal in Wyoming, but it is for the driver to pick you up. Buckle up for some potential solitude on the open road.

30. Barter Your Way Out (Maybe) 

This one’s a fun little tidbit. In Laramie, Wyoming, you can actually try to barter your way out of a traffic ticket with the judge! Now that’s a wild west tradition!

31. Bowling for Bucks (Not Allowed)

Looking for a unique way to win some cash? Don’t try bowling with money in Wyoming. Seems like a fun (and potentially messy) way to gamble, but it’s a no-go.

32. Keep Those Ballots Secret (and Un-Colored)

Wyoming takes election integrity seriously. Voters can’t wear anything that displays a political party or candidate within 100 feet of a polling station.

33. Yodeling Your Way to a Ticket?

There’s no official law against yodeling, but Cheyenne once tried to pass an ordinance restricting it near hospitals. Thankfully, for yodelers everywhere, it never came to pass.

34. Sharing is Caring (Except With Your Soap)

Public bathrooms in Wyoming have a strange rule. Sharing your bar soap with a neighbor in the stall is actually illegal. Guess hygiene is a personal thing here.

35. No Bathing Beauties (On Motorcycles) ️

This one might be outdated, but it used to be illegal for a woman to ride a motorcycle without a chaperone…if she wasn’t wearing pants! Thankfully, times (and fashion) have changed.

36. Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetle…Nope!

Taxidermy laws extend beyond fish. It’s illegal to possess a stuffed house centipede (or any other venomous arthropod) in Wyoming. Guess some creepy crawlies just don’t make good conversation starters.

37. Sunday Funerals, But No Sunday Fandango 

While Wyoming allows Sunday funerals, public dancing and entertainment are prohibited until after 1pm. Seems like a somber start to the week.

38. Cowboy Code of Conduct: Respect the Judge ‍

Disrupting a court session in Wyoming is a big offense, punishable by a hefty fine or even jail time. Seems like respect is a key part of the Wyoming way.

39. Keep Those Rocks Rolling (But Not Gambling)

While casinos are a big draw in some states, Wyoming prohibits any games of chance played with dice (except for craps in licensed casinos).

40. Be a Savvy Snowman (No Projectile Play) 

Snowball fights are a winter tradition, but Wyoming has a specific rule. Throwing snowballs at vehicles or pedestrians is a punishable offense. Keep it friendly, snowball slingers!

41. Dodgeball Dangers (For the Ref)

Remember intense dodgeball games at school? In Wyoming, it’s actually illegal for a referee (or anyone supervising) to participate in the game itself. Talk about a spectator sport!

42. Barber Shop Brawls? Not on Our Watch!

Getting a haircut shouldn’t involve fisticuffs. Wyoming helpfully clarifies that fighting in a barber shop is strictly prohibited.

43. Horseshoe the Right Way (Even if You Lose)

Horseshoes are a symbol of good luck, but not if you’re throwing them poorly. It’s illegal to play horseshoes within 10 feet of a building in Wyoming.

44. Sharing is NOT Caring (When it Comes to Towels)

Remember the soap rule in public bathrooms? Wyoming extends the no-sharing policy to towels. Don’t even think about drying your hands on your neighbor’s towel!

45. Don’t Let Your Pet Be a Public Nuisance (Literally)

Wyoming takes animal control seriously. It’s illegal for a pet to “annoy or disturb” people in public places. Seems like some furry friends need some manners training.

46. Psychic Predictions Need a Permit (Maybe)

While Wyoming can’t regulate the future, they can regulate fortune telling. It used to be illegal to practice fortune telling without a permit! Thankfully, this law seems to be unenforced these days.

47. Keep Your Petrified Wood on the Ground

Wyoming has some amazing natural wonders, including petrified wood. But don’t get too excited – collecting or removing petrified wood from public lands is a big no-no.

48. Bullwhips: A Form of Artistic Expression (But Not on People)

Wyoming has a thriving rodeo scene, and bullwhips are a part of the show. However, it’s illegal to use a bullwhip to intentionally hit or injure another person.

49. Keep Your Possum Pals at Home (Probably)

While opossums might be interesting creatures, Wyoming doesn’t want them as unwanted houseguests. It’s illegal to import or possess a live opossum without a permit.

50. Be a Responsible Sagebrush Savior

Sagebrush is a vital part of the Wyoming ecosystem. It’s illegal to destroy or remove sagebrush from public lands without proper authorization.

51. Don’t Let Your Camel Cause a Commotion

Camels might seem like a unique pet choice, but Wyoming has a specific rule for them. It’s illegal to leave a camel unattended on public property. Guess some critters need extra supervision!

52. Keep Your Pet Parakeet Quiet (in Specific Places)

While Wyoming might not have a law against yodeling, they do have a specific noise ordinance for parakeets. It’s illegal for a parakeet to be a public nuisance in Laramie. Talk about a chatty critter!

53. No Kite Capers in Certain Areas

Flying a kite might seem like harmless fun, but there are restrictions in Wyoming. It’s illegal to fly a kite near an airport or power lines. Safety first, kite enthusiasts!

54. Be a Responsible Rodeo Clown (No Pie-Throwing)

Rodeo clowns add some humor to the competition, but there are limits. It’s illegal for a rodeo clown to throw anything (like a pie) at a spectator. Keep it clean, clowns!

55. Don’t Be a Pigeon Pigeonholer

Wyoming takes animal cruelty seriously, even for feathered friends. It’s illegal to intentionally kill, harm, or harass a pigeon in Laramie.

56. Keep Your Pet Possum’s Possessions Private

Remember the law about keeping opossums? It gets even stranger. It’s also illegal to possess any “appurtenances” (belongings) of an opossum without a permit.

57. Be Wary of Water Wells (and Whiskey)

While Wyoming might not have a law against drinking in a mine, there is a specific rule about water wells. It’s illegal to be intoxicated while working on or near a water well. Safety first (and probably keep the whiskey away from the well site).

58. Don’t Fence Out Public Access (Even on Private Land)

Property rights are important, but Wyoming ensures public access to certain areas. It’s illegal to block public access to a historical site or right-of-way, even if it’s on private land.

59. Be a Responsible Rockhound (and Pay Your Dues)

Wyoming is a treasure trove for rockhounds, but there are rules. It’s illegal to collect rocks, minerals, or fossils on public land without a permit or proper authorization.

60. Don’t Be a Public Pickle Peril

While there’s no law against enjoying a pickle, Wyoming has a strange rule about throwing them. It’s illegal to throw a pickle (or any other object) at a streetcar. Seems like a very specific (and potentially messy) offense.

61. Sunday Saloon Shootouts (Thankfully Not Allowed)

Wyoming might have a wild west reputation, but gun violence isn’t tolerated. Discharging a firearm within city limits is a big no-no, even on a Sunday.

62. Be a Responsible Rattlesnake Wrangler (Maybe Don’t)

Rattlesnakes are a natural part of the Wyoming landscape, but that doesn’t mean you can mess with them. It’s illegal to possess a live rattlesnake without a permit. Leave the wrangling to the professionals!

63. Keep Your Pet Alligator at Home (Probably Best)

While Wyoming might allow some exotic pets, alligators are a definite no. It’s illegal to import, possess, or sell a live alligator without a permit. Maybe stick to a goldfish?

64. Don’t Block the Buffalo (Literally)

Bison are majestic creatures, but they also weigh a ton. It’s illegal to impede the lawful movement of bison on a public highway. Let the buffalo roam (safely)!

65. No Bear Hugs in Yellowstone (For Your Safety)

Yellowstone National Park is a wonder to behold, but there are safety rules for a reason. Approaching or harassing wildlife, including bears, is strictly prohibited.

66. Be a Tidy Tourist (and Pack Out Your Trash)

Wyoming is all about respecting nature. Leaving litter behind on public lands is a punishable offense. Pack in, pack out, and keep Wyoming beautiful!

67. Don’t Be a Public Nuisance with Noise (Even with a Kazoo)

Wyoming has noise ordinances, and they cover some unusual instruments. It’s illegal to play a kazoo or any other “loud, shrill instrument” in a way that annoys the public.

68. Be a Responsible Rodeo Spectator (and Hold Your Applause)

Rodeo fans get excited, but there are limits. It’s illegal to stand or sit on the arena fence during a rodeo performance. Keep your cheers from a safe distance!

69. Don’t Be a Public Nuisance with Breath (Seriously)

Wyoming takes public health seriously. It’s illegal to be a public nuisance by “offensive body odors.” Maybe pack some deodorant for your trip?

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